As a very active member of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce and member of the Board of Directors, I find it highly important to know what the business community is talking about in our community and how it affects both our business, our clients … [Read more...] about Staying Updated: Senator Tim Kaine & Covid-19
Virtual Home Selling Process with Advon Group
Virtual Home Buying Process with Advon Group
Stay at Home Orders and Home Buying/Selling
In our current Stay at Home Order Climate in Northern Virginia, we have put together some of the important and helpful tools that our vendor partners at KVS Title and New World Title have done to be able to comply with the evolving situation to keep … [Read more...] about Stay at Home Orders and Home Buying/Selling
Ever-evolving Circumstances A COVID-19 Update
Notes from a private Call with Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce and Governor Northam 3/26/2020 Please take these personal typed notes as they were directly typed as "notes" during an informative meeting with the Northern Virginia Chamber of … [Read more...] about Ever-evolving Circumstances A COVID-19 Update